
Journey Home by Rabindrananth Tagore: Reading and Meditation

May 25, 2020  • Executive Leadership Seminars Department

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Journey Home, Rabindrananth Tagore


The idea of home is one that we’re becoming all too familiar with these days. For many people, home may be a physical location – a building or a city. But in Tagore’s “Journey Home,” we’re challenged to think about what else home means to us. “The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own.” Where has your journey taken you so far? What did your wilderness of worlds look like that brought you here? What does your inner shrine hold, and what outerworlds did you travel through in order to discover it? 

Whether home is a place, a person, or an idea that you carry in your heart, reflect on the feeling of ‘home’ and what it means to you. Our journeys to our most inner selves are seldom easy, but it’s through overcoming trials and obstacles that we find ourselves able to leave our tracks on many a star and planet. As you think of yourself as a traveler through this life, enjoy the journey and the adventure to your innermost home.

Brianna Curran, Washington, DC 

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •