
Let America be America Again by Langston Hughes: Reading and Meditation

July 4, 2020  • Todd Breyfogle

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Let America be America Again, Langston Hughes


St. Augustine remarks that patriotism is the highest form of love of neighbor. In this, patriotism is not nationalism. Langston Hughes’ poem cuts to the bone of the unrealized potential of our polity. But in so doing, it holds up our most noble aspirations—noble aspirations not just for the United States but for many around the world. Independence is a declaration of agency. As we mark this day of independence, let us renew our commitment to agency in realizing more fully in pursuit of our noble ideals. Let us affirm what is good in the work we have inherited, but let us also take care that our liberty and equality be no false patriotic wreath in our ever-present quest to make America again.  

Todd Breyfogle, Denver, Colorado

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •