
Lord, Lord, Open Unto Me by Howard Thurman: Reading and Meditation

June 4, 2020  • Todd Breyfogle

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Lord, Lord, Open Unto Me, Howard Thurman


It is easy to be closed to the world. It is easy to close our souls to pain. This prayer for openness touches the core of darkness, fear, despair. Prayer rightly conceived is itself a kind of openness, a receptivity, with all the vulnerability that accompanies it. Prayer, openness, and humility reflect the forgoing of self for that which is greater than self. Openness means to let things go, and so to make room for something greater. On what door are the knuckles of our hearts knocking today? What might we receive if we were to pray, with Howard Thurman, “Lord, Lord, Open Unto Me”?

Todd Breyfogle, Denver, Colorado

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •