
Of the Shining Underlife By Carl Phillips: Reading and Meditation

November 5, 2020  • Executive Leadership Seminars Department

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As if capturing snippets of sunlight between branches, the people in our lives and communities reveal themselves to us in vulnerable moments, if only for a second. This week, I find myself wrestling with the realization of holding a deep misunderstanding about country and the people who live in it, despite what they’ve revealed to me over the past several years. The trouble with peeking through branches at a life separate from our own is that we never leave with a full picture of the sky. Our vision returns to the branches swaying closest to us, within the shade of the tree we are familiar with. 

When you witness the sky beyond the branches, what do you see? When have these moments exposed truth, and when has your vision been obstructed? Is it too late to capture the big picture?

Brianna Curran, Washington, DC

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •