
The Real Prayers Are Not the Words, But the Attention that Comes First by Mary Oliver: Reading and Meditation

July 19, 2020  • Executive Leadership Seminars Department

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The Real Prayers Are Not the Words, But the Attention that Comes First, Mary Oliver


In preparation for giving thanks, sharing grace, offering a kind thought, or begging the universe for mercy, the mind settles. We may prepare for this moment differently, but the attention that comes first is a necessary mindfulness activity to prepare the body and mind for prayer. It’s in this moment, Oliver says, before we begin to ask or share, that we know who we truly are. For Oliver, the stillness comes as a hawk slowly circles, before the dive.

How do you give thanks? How do you pray, whether with intention of faith or otherwise? In preparation for this time, how are you mindful of the attention that comes first? 

Brianna Curran, Washington, DC 

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •