
the sun and her flowers, by Rupi Kaur: Reading and Meditation

May 9, 2020  • Executive Leadership Seminars Department

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the sun and her flowers, Rupi Kaur


Today is Mother’s Day in the United States, following a variety of dates across the globe set aside to celebrate those who have cared for and nurtured us. Mother’s Day in the U.S. was initially created as a holiday marked not only to celebrate motherhood, but also women’s activism, labor, and progress. Rupi Kaur calls us to recognize all of those in our roots who have paved the way for us to where we stand today. Who are you celebrating in recognition of the holiday, whether celebrated today or any other day? What firsts are you thankful for that those who came before you may not have had the privilege of feeling? How have your caregivers or maternal figures sacrificed so that you might succeed? Are you filling up on this life in their honor? If you are caring for a child, a parent, or a loved one, how do you hope to see them living boldly?  

This day, marked for joy for so many, can be difficult for those who have lost and those who are longing. However and whoever you choose to acknowledge this day, take time today to feel gratitude for the caring and nurturing figures in your life who have sacrificed for you, who have cared for you, and who have paved the path you stand on. 

Brianna Curran, Washington, DC

Wellsprings of Living and Leading
April 15, 2020 •