Aligning for Impact: Delivering Early Positive Experiences at Scale
Over the past year, the Aspen Institute’s Project play has begun to reimagine youth sports in American in a form that serves all children and all communities. A series of roundtables has established the value of anchoring our disjointed sports system in the principles of age-appropriate play, of training volunteer coaches in the basic competencies to deliver an early positive experience, and the need to grow sport participation rates among the most vulnerable populations.
We’ve identified four big ideas in tech that can get more kids off the couch without runing them into the ground. Now, how can stakeholders deliver scalable progress in each of these channels? Underwritten by Nike through its support of the Designed to Move platform, this roundtable of 20-25 leaders considers the role of, and opportunities for foundations, government, corporations, and the health care sector.
- Tom Farrey, director, Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program
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