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CNAY Announces the Fourth Class of Champions for Change

On Tuesday, February 23, the Center for Native American Youth will announce its fourth class of Native youth leaders selected to serve as 2016 Champions for Change. Champions for Change are young indigenous leaders from across the United States who are leading impactful initiatives that seek to improve their tribal or urban Indian communities. The 2016 class of Champions will join CNAY at the Aspen Institute to share their stories of overcoming barriers to promote hope, create positive change, and inspire other youth in Indian Country.

This year’s class includes Brayden White (St. Regis Mohawk), Christie Wildcat (Northern Arapaho Tribe), Noah Blue Elk Hotchkiss (Southern Ute Indian Tribe/Southern Cheyenne/Caddo Nation), Sam Slater (Navajo Nation), and Vanessa Goodthunder (Lower Sioux Indian Community).

The panel discussion will be co-moderated by CNAY Founder & Chairman Byron Dorgan (ret.) and CNAY Board Member Patty Talahongva.

This event will be livestreamed:

On February 23, the Center for Native American Youth will announce its fourth class of Native youth leaders selected to serve as 2016 Champions for Change. Champions for Change are young indigenous leaders from across the United States who are leading impactful initiatives that seek to improve their tribal or urban Indian communities. The 2016 class of Champions will join CNAY at the Aspen Institute to share their stories of overcoming barriers to promote hope, create positive change, and inspire other youth in Indian Country.


Event information
Tue Feb 23, 2016
9:00am - 10:30am EST
Smith Conference Room
One Dupont Circle, Suite 700
Washington, DC, United States