past event

Coronavirus and Youth Sports: How to Manage the Crisis

Join the Aspen Institute’s Project Play initiative for a webinar on how youth sports leaders in non-profits, for-profits, and parks and recs departments are tackling issues during the pandemic. Topics will include access to revenue from donors and government resources; managing expenses, staffing and requests for refunds; and communication with parents, youth and the broader community.

Speakers are comprised of experts on youth sports. We welcome your questions during the session.

  • Tom Farrey, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program
  • Brendan Tuohey, Co-Founder and President, PeacePlayers International
  • Lisa Frates, Executive Director, Bethesda (Maryland) Soccer Club
  • Jack Castle, Recreation Admin Coordinator, Columbus (Ohio) Recreation and Parks Department

Speaker Bios

    Event information
    Wed Apr 15, 2020
    2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT