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Employment and Jobs

Job Quality in Practice Webinar – Assessing Job Quality and Equity in Your Local Labor Market: A Closer Look at Race, Gender, and Place

Download slides (PDF): Assessing Job Quality and Equity in Your Local Labor Market: A Closer Look at Race, Gender, and Place

Lack of access to quality jobs is a key contributor to rising inequality. Race, gender, and place all play a critical role in who has access to quality work and economic mobility. How can leaders across fields take concrete steps to assess and address disparities in job quality in a regional labor market and improve outcomes for all workers?

To address this question, and with the support of Prudential Financial, we are launching the Job Quality in Practice series and held our first webinar on November 25 at 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET.

The series is designed to support practitioners across fields – including workforce development, economic development, capital deployment, policy, worker advocacy, and business – to address job quality in their work. Webinars will share actionable tools and approaches, highlight leading practitioners’ work, and create connections across disciplines.

And we begin the series with a discussion of how to measure job quality – with a focus on race, gender, and place – and monitor trends. On November 25th we explored the following questions:

  • Why prioritize and measure job quality in your work?
  • What data sources, tools, and approaches can you put to work immediately to assess job quality in your local labor market?
  • How can you disaggregate data by race, gender, and place, and analyze disparities in job quality in a region?

Our guests include:

  • Jeremie Greer, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Liberation in a Generation
  • Chandra Childers, Study Director, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
  • Amy Blair, Research Director, Workforce Strategies Initiative, Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program

In the coming months, we will promote tools and guidance for practical actions to improve jobs in local communities. We hope you will connect to the growing national conversation about job quality and that you will engage with us as collaborators! To learn more and share your input and ideas, click here.

We are grateful to Prudential for its support of our Job Quality in Practice webinar series and our ongoing efforts to advance a job quality field of practice.

Other Webinars in This Series

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The Economic Opportunities Program advances strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy. Join our mailing list and follow us on social media to stay connected to our work, including events, publications, blog posts, and more.

Event information
Mon Nov 25, 2019
3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT