Launch of Youth Development Work Group Brief
This summer, a work group of organizations from our Partners Collaborative representing the youth development sector was formed to ensure that the comprehensive PreK-12 education ecosystem is fully reflected in the Commission’s recommendations.
In support of this work, they have developed a brief that:
- articulates what youth development is along with where its programs and providers can and do support the development of social, emotional, cognitive, and academic skills;
- offers strategies for how youth development organizations and schools can partner to support the integration and alignment of social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development practices across settings; and
- makes a call to action for PreK-12 education stakeholders to form more strategic partnerships with the youth development sector to support holistic development and success for each and every student.
View a recording of the release of their brief, Building Partnerships: In Support of Where, When, and How Learning Happens, below:
See the full event agenda.
Event information
Mon Oct 29, 2018
2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Aspen Institute
2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700 (Smith Room)
Washington, DC