past event

Our Society Reimagined 2020: Black Lives Matter and the Need for Political Activism

Our Society Reimagined is a four-week series that provides an opportunity to explore the domestic issues that have shaped our modern society, as well as a chance to gain perspective on the underlying values and ideas that we hold as individuals and as a society, and how these tenets shape our lives.

Tuesday, November 10: Black Lives Matter and the Need for Political Activism
Has America reached a tipping point in our understanding of racism in our country? With a growing minority population and graphic videos in the media, are white Americans changing their views on racism?  Is a growing acceptance of the fact that racism is real going to usher in real change in America or lock in more tribal divisiveness?  Is political activism the only way to drive change?  What other levers of social change can be utilized to create more equal opportunity? Some suggest anarchy and activism are two sides of the same coin. How do we keep activism politically constructive?

Our Society Reimagined is now full. If you’d like to get on the wait list, please contact

Event information
Tue Nov 10, 2020
6:00pm - 7:30pm MDT
Virtual Event