July 1, 2013

Daily Dispatch from the 2013 Aspen Ideas Festival: Tuesday, July 2

Special guest to be featured at today’s closing ceremonies at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Watch the live video at 1:15pm MDT / 3:15pm EDT at http://www.youtube.com/user/AspenInstitute?v=VjChNEebFjg.

Additional Live Video from the Aspen Ideas Festival Today:

A full schedule of live streams is available here: http://www.aspenideas.org/live-now.

Video from the start of the festival available here: http://www.aspenideas.org/latest-video. Transcripts of select sessions are available here: http://www.aspenideas.org/content/2013-transcripts.

Also, catch today’s episode of The Aspen Institute Presents, broadcast from the Aspen Ideas Festival, exclusively on public television’s WORLD Channel (worldchannel.org) at 9:00pm ET. This episode will be available online a few hours before broadcast for media using the following link and password: http://vimeopro.com/user5686209/the-aspen-institute-presents2, password: worldaspen.

Quotes from the Festival Yesterday:

“The stuff you learn when you are high, you are less likely to remember the next day.” —Ethan Nadelmann

“Once we get the conversation to what do all kids need, instead of what do poor kids need, we will have more resonance and power.” —Pamela Cantor

“I wish we could get out of the mindset that we need to check up with our doctor. I like the notion of a check-in, and I don’t want this check-in to be an exhaustive search to find something wrong. I don’t think that’s a path to a healthy society. The truth is we will always find something. Since we all harbor abnormalities, that’s a recipe for all of us getting on medication.” —Gilbert Welch

“It’s no longer demographics. There are psychographics and, for me, stylegraphics.” —Mauro Porcini

The Ideas Report on TheAtlantic.com

More Festival coverage is also available from The Atlantic, which produces the Aspen Ideas Festival in partnership with the Aspen Institute. The Atlantic’sIdeas Special Report” includes:

  • Video from the Aspen Ideas Festival
  • A “Today at Aspen” photo gallery
  • An #AspenIdeas Twitter feed
  • Blog posts highlighting ideas from all sections of TheAtlantic.com, and responses to a new question they put to their readers each day.

Full schedule available here. Full-session video and clips will be featured on the Aspen Institute’s YouTube channel, on www.AspenIdeas.org, iTunesU, and on the Aspen Institute’s video channel. Follow the Ideas Festival on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter at @aspenideas with the hashtag #AspenIdeas.

*Editors: Video and images from the Aspen Ideas Festival are available upon request.*

For more information about the Aspen Ideas Festival, please contact:  

Natalie Raabe

The Atlantic




Jennifer Myers

The Aspen Institute





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