Ford PAS Next Generation Learning (Ford NGL) is a dynamic, community-based process for improving teaching and learning, promoting the redesign of high schools to better serve students and supporting the emergence of powerful community engagement. At the heart of Ford NGL is a set of essential practices that help organize and align key community stakeholders (education, business/industry, civic leadership and workforce development) drive systemic change across high schools. This change engages students through real-world learning and ties learning to regional workforce and economic development needs. The changes we support in schools and their communities help achieve the larger goal that all young adults graduate from high school equipped with the essential knowledge and skills needed for success in post-secondary learning, future careers, and active citizenship. As a result, the community will prosper by increasing graduation and college-going rates. Ford NGL has brought together a national network of 15+ mutually-supportive communities who are using the Ford NGL essential practices. Through peer-to-peer mentoring, professional development on inquiry- and project-based teaching and learning, network meetings and webinars, facilitation support, etc., communities are learning from one another, sharing their successful practices and helping other communities overcome obstacles to scaling and sustainability issues. All of these efforts require a culture of shared accountability and excellence, in which everyone participates in collecting and reviewing data in order to measure progress, works collaboratively to build a climate of trust that welcomes the perspectives of all stakeholders and maintains a commitment to continual learning and improvement.
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