The Health Worker Migration Global Policy Council announced that it has officially opened the nomination period for the third annual Health Worker Migration Global Policy Council Innovation Award. The Council honors two countries for innovation and collaborative migration management policies to realize the commitment made in the landmark Code of Practice, which was adopted unanimously in 2010 to manage international health worker migration. Nominations are being collected now, with the nomination period closing March 15, 2014, and winners notified in April.
Like last year, the council select one winner from a “sending” country – one that experiences predominantly outflow from its borders to a more developed country – and one winner from a “receiving” country – one that predominantly experiences the influx of these skilled workers. Awards will be presented during the 2014 World Health Assembly in Geneva in May.
GHD is proud to be home to this important award, recognizing brave and resourceful policy work and profiling case studies that can help nations, continue to move the needle on implementing the map laid out by the WHO Code of Practice. Issues of health care workforce are at the heart of many global health priorities, since properly trained health workforce is essential to continued progress on child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and so many other health challenges. All countries have a stake in the management of this complex issue, and an important role to play in mitigating negative effects and maximizing both the right to migrate and the public good of health care.
We invite country government from around the world to consider submitting a nomination for the 2014 Innovation Award – applications can be completed here, profiles of last year’s winners are here.