
The New and Aspiring Principals Effectiveness Strategy

January 20, 2011  • Education Innovation Forum and Expo

THE NEW AND ASPIRING PRINCIPALS EFFECTIVENESS STRATEGY (NAPES) is led by New Leaders for New Schools (NLNS) in partnership with 10 urban districts and leading charters across the country. NAPES seeks to meet a critical need in education reform: there are few innovative solutions for training and supporting highly effective principals, despite the important role they play as instructional CEOs who drive teacher effectiveness and student success. NAPES has three main components: 1) ASPIRING PRINCIPALS PROGRAM. NLNS provides a pipeline of highly effective principals for our nation’s lowest-performing and most difficult-to-staff schools. Over the past ten years, NLNS has recruited, selected, trained, and supported over 700 New Leaders, impacting nearly 250,000 students. In five years, we will double our impact to 500,000 students. 2) ACTION TANK. Serving students in multiple districts, charters, and schools of every type, NLNS is uniquely positioned to create an actionable knowledge base for the wider field about the principalship and the policy contexts within which principals work. Our world-class external evaluation by the RAND Corporation further contributes to this knowledge base. 3) POLICY CONTEXT. NLNS and our partner cities are creating proof points of dramatically improved student outcomes by focusing not only on the human capital of principals as individuals, but also on the system-wide conditions that affect their success: autonomy, accountability, and meaningful support. Through policy development, tool creation, and consulting throughout implementation, our impact is scaled beyond our core Aspiring Principals Program to affect all students in the district or state.

To learn more, contact Juliette Kang.