past event
Family Finances

America’s New Housing Crisis: How rising housing costs and instability undermine financial security

This event features an interview with Mayor Quinton Lucas of Kansas City, Missouri, and a panel discussion featuring leaders in housing, healthcare, public education, and business who are tackling housing challenges in their communities, followed by a networking reception.

One in three US households—nearly 100 million people—struggle with housing costs that jeopardize their financial security. The problem is acute for virtually all low-income families and for the 1 in 4 renters who spend 50% or more of their income on housing—and its effects ripple throughout our communities and economy.

In 2019, Aspen EPIC recognized rising housing costs and instability as critical threats to the financial security of American families and created a comprehensive research primer on the topic. Drawing on extensive review of the research literature, engagement with more than 100 experts, and analysis of federal survey data, we have prepared a research primer, Strong Foundations: Financial security starts with affordable, stable housing.

We identified four critical underlying problems driving rising housing costs and instability:

The harmful effects of housing unaffordability and instability affect not just individuals and families, but also public institutions, education and healthcare systems, and private businesses. All sectors of American life would benefit from solving this crisis.

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Family Finances
A Glimpse into the Eviction Crisis: Why Housing Stability Deserves Greater Attention
July 24, 2019 • Financial Security Program & 1 more

Event information
Wed Jan 29, 2020
3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
The Aspen Institute
2300 N St. NW
Washington, DC