past event
Finance and Assets

Looking Ahead: The Savings Policy Landscape for 2014



 Looking Ahead: The Savings Policy Landscape for 2014

January 15, 2014

Capitol Hill | Russell Senate Office Building | SR-485


The event is free and open to the public.

Lunch will be served


A Congressional briefing hosted by:
The Aspen Institute Initiative on Financial Security

Household savings produces economic growth and empowers Americans to attain a college education, start a business, buy a home, and earn a secure retirement. As policymakers from across the political spectrum step back and examine our nation’s tax code, Looking Ahead: The Savings Policy Landscape for 2014 will address what policymakers’ focus will be throughout the next year to advance savings policies that enable all Americans to achieve lifelong financial security.


Keynote Remarks:

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD)

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)


Featured Discussants:



Andrea Levere




Christine Marcks


Prudential Retirement




Debra Whitman

Executive Vice President 

Policy, Strategy, & International Affairs



Lisa Mensah (moderator)

Founder & Director

Aspen Institute Initiative on Financial Security

Household savings produces economic growth and empowers Americans to attain a college education, start a business, buy a home, and earn a secure retirement. As policymakers from across the political spectrum step back and examine our nation’s tax code, Looking Ahead: The Savings Policy Landscape for 2014 will address what policymakers’ focus will be throughout the next year to advance savings policies that enable all Americans to achieve lifelong financial security.


Event information
Wed Jan 15, 2014
12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Capitol Hill
485 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20515, United States