past event
Business and Markets

The Six New Rules of Business: Creating Real Value in a Changing World

The rules of business are changing dramatically. Success is no longer defined by the balance sheet. Reputation, trust and other intangibles drive business value, employees give voice to risk and competitive advantage, and culture is king. “Business as usual” is not a viable option.

From technology to supply chains, social impact to environmental limits, the landscape for business and the definition of success have both been upended. Income inequality is rife, social discord is high, and the demand for business to create real value for all its stakeholders has become a loud and rallying cry. Many of the forces that define these new rules of business are already in play, and business, arguably the most powerful force in the world, is in desperate need of a new operating manual.

In her new book, The Six New Rules of Business: Creating Value in a Changing World (Berrett-Koehler; January 12, 2021) Judy Samuelson – Founder & Executive Director at the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program – describes the profound shifts in attitudes and mindsets that are redefining our notions of what constitutes business success, unraveling the old rules that focused solely on profits, shareholder mindset, and the bottom line, that led to corporate greed and short-termism, and offers a new set of rules, that enable executives and leaders to think and manage differently, by embracing a new definition of business success.

Join us for a webinar with Judy as she discusses her book in conversation with Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President at the Aspen Institute.

Event information
Mon Jan 11, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT