Information for Employers

Information for Employers

The Aspen Executive Seminar gives leaders what they need most – time and space to broaden perspectives, reassess priorities, and evaluate how to best align their leadership to their core values.

Participants spend the majority of the seminar in a series of moderated, text-based dialogue on topics including values in balance, equality, liberty, and more. The week also includes space for casual conversation between participants and time to pause surrounded by nature. The program totals nearly 43 hours excluding meals.

Download the sample schedule and testimonials from past participants for more details on what to expect.

Support from Your Employer

The Executive Seminar creates the opportunity for leaders to develop the mindsets and skills needed to support their workforce and effectively lead today. Many of our participants cover the fee to attend with professional development funds from their employer.

The benefits of the seminar ripple out beyond the individual taking part in the experience seminar experience and create more humanistic working environments within the organizations they lead – ultimately leading to more connected, effective, and driven teams.

Contact Director of Executive Seminars at the Aspen Institute, Kalissa Hendrickson, for information on how to describe the benefits – to your leadership and broader organization – of your participation in this seminar to your employer.