
Envisioning Cyber Futures With AI

January 9, 2024  • Aspen Digital

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What does AI mean for cybersecurity?

In 2023, the Aspen Institute’s US and Global Cybersecurity Groups led a working group with cybersecurity leaders in industry, government, and civil society. The goal was to think through what the uses and misuses of artificial intelligence (AI) could mean for cybersecurity in terms of both risks and benefits.

We began in the future. Our discussions with the working group involved articulating and defining two extreme, yet realistic, scenarios: a “good place” in which these emerging technology tools disproportionately benefit cybersecurity defenders and a “bad place” in which the benefits instead disproportionately go to the attacker. After establishing both possible worlds, these experts then developed recommendations, “carrots and sticks,” for nudging society toward the good place”With the insights from these scenarios, Aspen Digital is excited to unveil Envisioning Cyber Futures with AI, a resource that defines the forces that can drive the world in either direction and more importantly that provides a roadmap for what both the private and public sector can do to get to the “good place.”