
Asset Building through Credit – Episode 3: Our “Aha” Moments about Costs

June 9, 2015  •

The Asset Building through Credit (ABC) Pilot Program, led by FIELD at the Aspen Institute and funded by the Citi Foundation, had promising results. Microenterprise programs that offered secured credit cards and credit coaching saw their participants’ credit scores increase significantly. With higher scores, these participants were more prepared to access business loans and achieve future micro-entrepreneurial success.

But once the pilot program is complete, how can its success be sustained over the long-term? Episode 3: Our “Aha” Moments about Costs is the third of a three-part series answering that question. In this video, we explain the costs that microenterprise organizations took on in the pilot program and how they can reduce costs in the long-term.

Thank you to Mattias Kraemer, program manager at MEDA, for narrating this video!