The Vanguard Chapter of the Society of Fellows, gathered July 11th on a stormy evening in Aspen for cocktails and remarks from Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson. Fortunately, the rain held off as Fellows began the evening with drinks and appetizers on the Bass terrace.
Photo taken by Emily Chaplin.
Just as the downpour began, the group gathered in the Catto Room for opening remarks by Vanguard Chapter Chair Lauren Elston. Thanks to Elston’s leadership, along with the work of Vice Chair Melony Lewis and the rest of the Advisory Board, the chapter has grown to over 200 members in just 18 months.
Photo taken by Emily Chaplin.
Citing her own enriching experience in the Aspen Seminar, Elston encouraged her fellow Vanguard members to take advantage of the many programming opportunities at the Institute. She closed by introducing Isaacson and the topic for his remarks: “The Most Creative Minds I’ve Met – and Why.”
Photo taken by Emily Chaplin.
Isaacson shared stories about the life and leadership style of Steve Jobs, provoking more than a few laughs from the audience. In reference to his biography on the Apple co-founder, Isaacson quipped, “I didn’t write the book so that people could be more like Steve Jobs – unless some of you think you could invent the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad.”
Photo taken by Emily Chaplin.
Isaacson concluded on a more serious note, sharing an important piece of advice to the group of young donors. “Find a way to give back; to move from success to significance. I hope that the Institute will touch you, but more importantly, that you will also touch the Institute,” he said.
Photo taken by Emily Chaplin.
The Vanguard Chapter provides younger donors the opportunity to engage in inspiring and stimulating conversation with like-minded peers, while being a part of the larger Society of Fellows program. They enjoy all the privileges of Fellows and actively participate in the speaker luncheons, discussion receptions, roundtables and seminars offered throughout the year in Aspen; Washington, DC; New York City, NY; and Wye, MD. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Patrick Kelly at (970) 544-7924.