past event
Employment and Jobs

Opportunity in America: What Does It Mean?



Is America living up to our aspirations to be a real “land of opportunity?” Even as the economy’s now decade-long expansion continues, mobility is in decline while inequality reaches alarming heights. How should we define opportunity in the era ahead? How can we ensure that everyone has equitable access to it?

This afternoon of discussion with distinguished and diverse panels explores the changing nature of opportunity, who is and isn’t included, and concrete ideas for expanding access to quality economic opportunities.

This event also launches our new conversation series, Opportunity in America, which considers the changing landscape of economic opportunity in the US and implications for individuals, families, and communities across the country. The series highlights the ways in which issues of race, gender, and place exacerbate our economic divides, and ideas and innovations with potential to address these challenges and broaden access to quality opportunity.

Opportunity in America builds on our Working in America events, which examined how the changing nature of work influenced access to opportunity in America, particularly for low- and moderate-income workers, but also broadens the lens to more intentionally include business ownership strategies as a key route to accessing economic opportunity in the US. We hope you will continue to join us as we seek to advance strategies, policies, and ideas to ensure all have a fair shot to pursue their American Dream.


To watch this event, click here.


To read a recap of this event, click here.


To view a full schedule for this event, click here.


To learn about our speakers, click here.

Event Recap
Employment and Jobs
Who’s In, Who’s Out: Opportunity in America
November 8, 2019 • David K. Gibson

Join the conversation

Join the conversation on Twitter by following @AspenWorkforce, @Aspen_BOI, and @upskillamerica and tweeting with the hashtag #talkopportunity.

Even as the economy’s decade-long expansion continues, mobility is in decline while inequality reaches alarming heights. How do we define opportunity today?

Is America living up to our aspirations to be a real “land of opportunity?” How should we define opportunity and ensure that everyone has access to it?

Let’s explore the changing nature of opportunity, who is and isn’t included, and concrete ideas for expanding access to quality economic opportunities.

Learn more

We are grateful to Walmart for its support for this special event. In addition, we thank the Ford Foundation, Prudential Financial, and for their support of our Working in America series and their ongoing support for Opportunity in America. For more information, visit

Learn how the Economic Opportunities Program is helping low- and moderate-income Americans thrive in a changing economy. Follow us on social media and join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on events, publications, blog posts, and other announcements.

Event information
Fri Oct 25, 2019
12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
The Aspen Institute
2300 N Street NW Suite 700
Washington DC 20037