past event
Employment and Jobs

Opportunity in America: What Does It Mean? – Agenda


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12:00-12:30 – Doors open

Refreshments served.

12:30-12:45 – Opening remarks

Maureen Conway, Vice President for Policy Programs, The Aspen Institute; Executive Director, Economic Opportunities Program

Dan Porterfield, President, The Aspen Institute

12:45-2:00 – What Is Opportunity in America?

What does the national picture look like, how do we measure opportunity, what are the policy ideas, how do they play out in communities?

Aparna Mathur, Resident Scholar, Economic Policy, American Enterprise Institute; Member, EOP Advisory Council

Paul Osterman, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Professor of Human Resources and Management, MIT Sloan School of Management; Member, EOP Advisory Council

Michelle De La Isla, Mayor, City of Topeka; Supplier Diversity Manager, Evergy

Moderated by Maureen Conway, Vice President for Policy Programs, The Aspen Institute; Executive Director, Economic Opportunities Program

2:00-2:15 – Break
2:15-3:30 – Opportunity and Inclusion

How do we break down the divides of race, place and gender and create more equitable access to economic opportunity? How do we invest in under resourced communities? How can we support entrepreneurs of color? How do we include the voices of working people?

Introduction by Joyce Klein, Director, Business Ownership Initiative, Economic Opportunities Program, The Aspen Institute

Gayatri Agnew, Senior Director,

Betsy Biemann, CEO, Coastal Enterprises Inc.

Gary Cunningham, President and CEO, Prosperity Now

Moderated by Tracy Jan, Reporter, The Washington Post

3:30-3:45 – Break
3:45-5:00 – Leveraging Business Choices to Build Better Opportunities

How are good jobs good business? How can business invest in the skills of their workforce and encourage advancement? What role can employee ownership play in improving worker economic inclusion and security?

Introduction by Mark Popovich, Director, Good Companies/Good Jobs Initiative, Economic Opportunities Program, The Aspen Institute

Jennifer Briggs, Partner, GRITT Business Coaching

Kevin Johnson, Regional Chief Operations Officer, US Retail Central Region, Aon

Erin Patinkin, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, Ovenly

Moderated by Matthew Heimer, Senior Editor, Fortune Magazine

5:00-6:30 – Reception

Event information
Fri Oct 25, 2019
12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
The Aspen Institute
2300 N Street NW Suite 700
Washington DC 20037