Employment and Jobs

Work-and-Learn in Action: Successful Strategies for Employers

November 1, 2015  • National Network of Business and Industry Associations

UpSkill America is pleased to share this resource from one of our partners in the upskilling movement.

Securing the right person for the right job at the right time is critical for employers operating in a highly competitive, innovation-driven global economy. Work-and-learn models integrate structured education and training with the world of work, which includes career exploration, job exposure, internships and full-time employment. These programs allow employers to help students and workers gain and demonstrate necessary “hands-on” skills, competencies and other common employability skills (e.g., teamwork and dependability) that are necessary for workplace success. Work-and-Learn in Action: Successful Strategies for Employers highlights 15 real-life models, providing a blueprint to help companies implement similar strategies that improve workforce recruitment, training and advancement.

To learn more, visit nationalnetwork.org/guidebook.


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