Our Work

The Economic Opportunities Program (EOP) advances strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy.

Our work takes a variety of approaches to expanding opportunity, including projects, initiatives, fellowships, and events.

Projects and Initiatives

Aspen Business Roundtable on Organized Labor

The Aspen Business Roundtable on Organized Labor is a private network of CEOs, founders, investors, and other business leaders reinventing corporate America’s relationship with organized labor. as.pn/roundtable

Business Ownership Initiative

The Business Ownership Initiative works to build understanding and strengthen the role of business ownership as an economic opportunity strategy. as.pn/boi

Future of Work Initiative

The Future of Work Initiative aims to identify, develop, and amplify solutions that address the challenges of today while building toward a future in which workers are safe, empowered, and equipped to thrive in our changing world. as.pn/futureofwork

Good Companies/Good Jobs

The Good Companies/Good Jobs initiative equips companies to empower economic opportunity across the US through a key lever: good jobs. as.pn/gcgj

Job Quality Center of Excellence

The Job Quality Center of Excellence offers tools, resources, and guidance on job quality for those working to build a more equitable and sustainable economy. jobqualitycenter.org

Shared Success

Working in partnership with selected CDFIs, Shared Success aims to improve job quality at small businesses while helping to drive business success. as.pn/sharedsuccess

UpSkill America

UpSkill America supports employers and workforce organizations to expand and improve high-quality educational and career advancement opportunities for America’s front-line workers. as.pn/upskill

Workforce Strategies Initiative

Through research and evaluation, the Workforce Strategies Initiative explores strategies that help workers attain stability and mobility, including through training, education, and broader systems change. as.pn/wsi


Workforce Leadership Academies

Workforce Leadership Academies bring together local leaders to develop and sustain effective workforce strategies, collaborate more deeply with employers, and expand the number and quality of leaders who advance opportunities for low-wage workers and job seekers as they meet employers’ talent development needs. as.pn/wla

Job Quality Fellowship

The Job Quality Fellowship brings together leaders from differing lines of work, in communities across the country, who are working to expand the availability of better quality jobs. as.pn/jobquality

Event Series

Opportunity in America

Opportunity in America considers the changing landscape of economic opportunity in the US and implications for individuals, families, and communities across the country. The series highlights the ways in which issues of race, gender, and place exacerbate our economic divides, and ideas and innovations with potential to address these challenges and broaden access to quality opportunity. as.pn/opportunityinamerica

Job Quality in Practice

Job Quality in Practice webinars provide actionable tools and guidance to support leaders across geographies and fields — including workforce development, economic development, capital deployment, policy, worker advocacy, business, and higher education — to engage in practical action to improve jobs in their local communities and connect to a growing national conversation. as.pn/jobqualityinpractice

Employee Ownership Ideas Forum

The Employee Ownership Ideas Forum — hosted in partnership with the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at Rutgers University — convenes policymakers, practitioners, researchers, philanthropists, investors, and leaders of employee-owned companies to learn about and discuss the latest in policy, research, finance, and practice.